Religious Education / Catechism

Religious Education for ages 3-16 is a 2 year program. Registration is May 7th. Classes run from August - May for the 2 years.

Children over age 7-16 and who are in need of baptism will be considered full initiation students. Children age 7-16 who are already baptized will be considered sacramental candidates. Classes meet once weekly. Mass attendance is a must, along with community service and attendance of 2 retreats.

Students age 3-6 are considered to be pre-formation and are enrolled in our Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program that has a montessori teaching style with hands on learning.


Please be sure to have the following when coming to register your child for Religious Education classes:

  • Baptismal and Birth Certificate (if not baptized yet, birth cert. only)
  • Godparent information: Baptism, Communion & Confirmation Certificates or Holy Matrimony Certificate from the church
  • Payment of $80 per student (Payments are accepted , but must be paid in full by Sept. 8th.


  • 1st Year Students will have class on Monday or Tuesday nights from 6-8pm.
  • 2nd Year Students will meet for class on Saturday mornings from 9-11am.
  • Teens of the age 16 and up will be meeting on Sunday mornings, times TBA.

  • 1er año Los estudiantes tendrán clase los lunes o martes por la noche de 6 a 8 pm
  • 2 ° año Los alumnos se reunirán para clase los sábados por la mañana de 9 a 11 am
  • Los adolescentes de 16 años en adelante se reunirán los domingos por la mañana, antes de la misa.